Writings by Pío Baroja in the Spanish Press from the End of the Civil War until 1955. Recovery of the Unknown

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Miguel Ángel García de Juan


The present work aims informs Pío Baroja’s journalistic writings, almost all of them in previous texts, from his return from France in 1940, after four years of self-exile in the country on the other side of the Pyrenees. Following their contextualization in the Basque writer’s work of those years, the few that did not come from an earlier version, i.e., those that had been written shortly before publication, are reproduced in an appendix. Finally, it adds an annex with a list of the almost two hundred texts which had not been considered and which were printed in the press. Here, the place from which they were taken, the date of their publication and the medium that reproduced them will be indicated.


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García de Juan, M. Ángel. “Writings by Pío Baroja in the Spanish Press from the End of the Civil War until 1955. Recovery of the Unknown”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 11, Jan. 2024, pp. 359-86, doi:10.21071/calh.vi11.15664.


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