Breaking barriers: the role of technological education in advancing arab women in Israel

Contenido principal del artículo

Mozin Nassar
Mª Dolores Hidalgo-Ariza


This study investigates the role of technology integration in educational frameworks on empowering Arab women in Israeli society, focusing on their participation in the high-tech sector. It tests two hypotheses: that technology integration boosts Arab Israeli women's interest in STEM and high-tech careers, and that it enhances their societal and economic empowerment.

Despite the success of Israel's high-tech industry and advancements in education, Arab women remain underrepresented in this sector. The research utilizes a structured questionnaire to assess digital literacy's impact on Arab Israeli women's career aspirations in high-tech.

The findings suggest that integrating technology into education can significantly increase Arab women's interest in STEM fields, supporting their greater involvement in the high-tech industry. The study underscores the importance of continued technological integration in education to promote diversity and inclusion in the high-tech sector. However, limitations include a regional focus and a quantitative approach, indicating the need for further research to fully understand the empowerment of Arab women in the Israeli high-tech industry.


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Cómo citar
Nassar, M., & Hidalgo-Ariza, M. D. (2024). Breaking barriers: the role of technological education in advancing arab women in Israel. EDMETIC, 13(2), art.6.
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