Practicing your English writing skills in a community learning through an Edublog

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Sarah Arseguet Crisol
María Luisa Renau


In this research, we combine digital competence, in this case the use of a blog and cultural competence in order to practice the writing skills. Through the blog we want to challenge the traditional teaching methods as Vygotsky’ social development theory and we propose a change of roles. Students do not write anymore only for the teacher, but also for their classmates and even for anyone who reads the blog. In addition, not only the teacher gives feedback to them as well as their classmates. Results show that students enjoyed this change of roles and find it interesting and motivating. This research is divided in an introduction from social interaction to Edublogs to understand better what it means. In the method section, we explain the didactic unit and the blog. The results and discussion indicate that students prefer not only working with the blog than with traditional materials, but using the blog to practice the writing skills motivates students to learn. Finally, we show the efficacy of using the blog in the classroom to create a community of learning.


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Cómo citar
Arseguet Crisol, S., & Luisa Renau, M. (2015). Practicing your English writing skills in a community learning through an Edublog. EDMETIC, 4(1), 9–29.


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