Regards croisés sur la coopération en formation des enseignants : perspectives didactiques en Éducation Physique et Sportive, Mathématiques et Éducation Morale et Civique

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Pablo Buznic-Bourgeacq
Cécile Ferret
Christophe Pavie


The aim of this article is to analyse the implementation of the DICO+ project in initial teacher training (Master 1 and 2 levels) in France, and more specifically at the Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (Higher School for Teaching and Education). The article looks at the effective implementation of cooperative practices between teachers and pupils and the reflexivity on teaching and training concepts that the project has encouraged. The aim of the article is to present cross-disciplinary perspectives (Physical Education and Sport, mathematics, Moral and Civic Education) in order to share cooperative experiences in teaching and training, to consider the principles and conditions of such cooperation, and finally to raise a debate on the need for a change of perspective on what it means to teach and train. The article presents some cooperative experiments in different subjects and class levels, carried out by pre-service teachers, supervised by trainers and researchers involved in the DICO+ project. The aim is to present the common framework developed and used in the implementation of the project and its different variations according to the various teaching contexts. The ways in which trainee teachers work together are analysed in detail. On the pupils' side, the aim is to examine the learning skills as well as the social and inclusion skills that a cooperative approach can help to develop. The proposed assessment questions the representations and habits inherent in the initial training of teachers and the development of pupils' skills. What teaching and academic skills are needed to meet the social and academic challenges? To what extent should the school form be rethought and cooperation infused, and at what levels?


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How to Cite
Buznic-Bourgeacq, P., Ferret, C., & Pavie, C. (2024). Regards croisés sur la coopération en formation des enseignants : perspectives didactiques en Éducation Physique et Sportive, Mathématiques et Éducation Morale et Civique. Insights on Bilingual Education, 1(1), 1–19.


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