The Two Sides of the Same Coin: Analyzing the Implementation of a Lesson Study from the University’s and School’s Perspectives

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María Elena Gómez Parra
Cristina Muñoz Aranda


Participation in an international project usually stands as an opportunity, even more when school-university collaboration is a plus in the project. DICO+ is an international project funded by the French National Agency in July 2018 (ref. no. 2018-1-FR01-KA201-047904) and coordinated by the ESPE de Bretagne. The main aim of DICO+ is to develop innovative cooperative practices in their classes, based on the experimentation of the Lesson Study (LS) approach across 70 European schools (both, from Primary and Secondary Education), with 1800 teachers in the 7 countries involved in the partnership: France, Spain, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Romania, Italy and Hungary. This chapter will analyse the University of Córdoba’s and the Nelson Mandela school’s viewpoints on the implementation of a LS unit during the 2018-2019 academic year. The process of implementation (before, during and after), the LS team participation in the training of the schoolteacher, the school, students and parents are some of the elements under the lens of this comparison, whose results are considered positive by both sides (i.e., UCO and Nelson Mandela school). This study highlights the fruitful school-university collaboration, whose final remarks state that strategic development of such partnerships should proliferate among educational systems, because the potential impact is foreseeably positive in many areas.


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Gómez Parra, M. E., & Muñoz Aranda, C. (2024). The Two Sides of the Same Coin: Analyzing the Implementation of a Lesson Study from the University’s and School’s Perspectives. Insights on Bilingual Education, 1(1), 1–16.


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