The Pope's Agents in Constantinople: Eugenius IV's Legation on the Eve of the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439)

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Maarten Halff


The legation sent by Pope Eugenius IV to Constantinople in 1437 played a critical role in the long diplomatic efforts towards a reunification of the Latin and Greek Churches, and paved the way for the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438–1439). With some exceptions, such as the later Cardinal Nicholas Cusanus, the members of the delegation have not received wide attention. This paper presents a biographical analysis of all those involved – the nuncios, the financiers and the galley commanders – and their relationship to the Pope. The findings provide new insight into Eugenius IV’s diplomacy towards the Byzantines, as well as Cusanus’s place in it. Cusanus’s presence added conciliar legitimacy, but the key functions were in the hands of a core team of Venetians – including non-patricians – who had prior experience in Constantinople and a personal connection to the Pope.


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Halff, M. (2020). The Pope’s Agents in Constantinople: Eugenius IV’s Legation on the Eve of the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439). Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 5, 91–151.


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