The Greek Fragments of the Works of Māšāʾallāh ibn Aṯarī

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Luca Farina


This article provides an overview of the Greek mentions of the Arabic astrologers Māšāʾallāh ibn Aṯarī al-Baṣrī and Abū Maʿšar al-Balḫī, together with the edition of the Greek fragments explicitly attributed to Māšāʾallāh, based on all their witnesses. Moreover, a general introduction to the Greek tradition of the two astrologers and a discussion of their mentions in the manuscript Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1056 are supplied.


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Cómo citar
Farina, L. (2022). The Greek Fragments of the Works of Māšāʾallāh ibn Aṯarī. Mediterranea, International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 7, 225–279.
Sección Temática



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