John Jeffries Martin, A Beautiful Ending. The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of Modernity, Yale University Press, New Haven – London 2022, VIII + 324 PP., ISBN: 9780300247329 The Apocalypse and the Seeds of Modernity: A Brief Note on John Jeffries Martin’s A Beautiful Ending

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Aldri Cela


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John Jeffries Martin, A Beautiful Ending. The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of Modernity, Yale University Press, New Haven – London 2022, VIII + 324 PP., ISBN: 9780300247329.


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Cómo citar
Cela, A. (2023). John Jeffries Martin, A Beautiful Ending. The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of Modernity, Yale University Press, New Haven – London 2022, VIII + 324 PP., ISBN: 9780300247329: The Apocalypse and the Seeds of Modernity: A Brief Note on John Jeffries Martin’s A Beautiful Ending. Mediterranea, International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 8, 661–671.


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