Mathematical problem-solving in early school years with Bee-bot
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The environments related to robotics and the visual block-based programming languages allow to pose tasks that can be understood as problems with mathematical content suitable for early school ages. These environments allow proposing problematic situations in ages in which formalism or poor mathematical knowledge prevents students from tackling more complex mathematical problems. In this work we show how the Bee-bot programmable robot is a privileged device to observe how students make decisions during the resolution process.
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Diago, P. D., Arnau, D., & González-Calero, J. A. . (2018). Mathematical problem-solving in early school years with Bee-bot. Mathematics, Education and Society, 1(2), 36–50. Retrieved from
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Bers, M. U., Seddighin, S., y Sullivan, A. (2013). Ready for Robotics: Bringing Together the T and E of STEM in Early Childhood Teacher Education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 21(3), 355–377.
Brownell, W. A. (1942). Problem Solving. En N. B. Henry (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Chen, G., Shen, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Jiang, S., Huang, X., y Eltoukhy, M. (2017). Assessing elementary students’ computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming. Computers and Education, 109, 162–175.
Clark-Wilson, A., Robutti, O., y Sinclair, N. (Eds.). (2014). The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Era. An International Perspective on Technology Focused Professional Development. Dordrecht: Springer.
Clements, D. H., y Sarama, J. (1997). Research on Logo: a decade of progress. Computers in the Schools, 14(1), 9–46.
Cózar, R., y De Moya, M. del V. (Eds.). (2017). Entornos humanos digitalizados: experiencias TIC en escenarios educativos. Madrid: Síntesis.
Diago, P. D., y Arnau, D. (2017). Pensamiento computacional y resolución de problemas en Educación Infantil: Una secuencia de enseñanza con el robot Bee-bot. En FESPM (Ed.), Libro de actas VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática (CIBEM) (pp. 255–263). Madrid, España.
FECYT, Google, y Everis. (2016). Educación en ciencias de la computación en España 2015. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Hoyles, C., y Lagrange, J.-B. (Eds.). (2010). Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain: The 17th ICMI Study. New York: Springer.
Hoyles, C., y Noss, R. (1992). Learning Mathematics and Logo. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Kilpatrick, J. (1978). Variables and Methodologies in Research on Problem Solving. En L. L. Hatfield y D. A. Bradbard (Eds.), Mathematical Problem Solving: Papers from a Research Workshop (pp. 7–20). Columbus, Ohio: ERIC/SMEAC.
Kilpatrick, J. (1985). A retrospective account of the past 25 years of research on teaching mathematical problem solving. En A. SIlver (Ed.), Teaching and learning mathematical problem solving: Multiple research perspectives (pp. 1–15). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Merino-Armero, J. M., González-Calero, J. A., Cózar-Gutiérrez, R., y Villena-Taranilla, R. (2018). Computational Thinking Initiation. An experience with robots in Primary Education. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 1(2), 181–206.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Papert, S. (1981). Mindstorms - Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas. New York: Basic Books.
Polya, G. (1945). How to Solve It. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Sabena, C. (2017). Task design in a paper and pencil and technological environment to promote inclusive learning: An exampºle with polygonal numbers. En G. Aldon, F. Hitt, L. Bazzini, y U. Gellert (Eds.), Early Child Spatial Development: A Teaching Experiment with Programmable Robots (pp. 13–30). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Sáez, J. M., y Cózar, R. (2017). Pensamiento computacional y programación visual por bloques en el aula de Primaria. Educar, 53(1), 129–146.
Schoenfeld, A. H. (1985). Mathematical Problem Solving. Academic Press: Orlando, FL.
Schoenfeld, A. H. (1992). Learning to think mathematically: Problem solving, metacognition, and sense making in mathematics. En D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 334–370). Reston, VA: National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics.
Strawhacker, A., y Bers, M. U. (2015). “I want my robot to look for food”: Comparing Kindergartner’s programming comprehension using tangible, graphic, and hybrid user interfaces. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 25(3), 293–319.
Weintrop, D., y Wilensky, U. (2015). To Block or not to Block, That is the Question: Students’ Perceptions of Blocks-based Programming. En Proc. IDC ’15. ACM (pp. 199–208).
Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational Thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33–35.