Mathematical anxiety

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María Sagasti Escalona


This work is a descriptive review of the mathematical anxiety that many people, and especially young people, suffer when they have to deal with a mathematical task. It shows the current studies being carried out on this subject and specifically those of interpretations of threats that prevent them from learning in this area. This problem is one of the most important in the field of mathematics teaching and this article presents a concise examination so that teachers, psychopedagogues and counselors can reflect on how to approach new pedagogies in this area. A view of the trend of the most innovative scientific studies suggests that there is more and more research on this topic at the global level. This may be because society abounds with attitudes that foster mathematical anxiety. Throughout the work it is explained that the feelings of apprehension, tension or discomfort experienced by many individuals when performing mathematical activities or in a mathematical context are emotional, can affect working memory and can be explained through an appreciation of different forms of threatening stereotypes. Psychoneurological studies have shown that the most appropriate way to intervene will depend on the perception of the associated stereotypes in each case. Also, recent studies are shown to encourage thought change and convert practical and habitual situations that generate anxiety to others that build a positive situation through the development of mathematical resilience.


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Sagasti Escalona, M. . (2019). Mathematical anxiety . Mathematics, Education and Society, 2(2), 1–18. Retrieved from


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