Situation and perspective of the training of mathematical competences in preservice teachers at the Ibero-american level

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Alba Dolores Alay Giler


The formation of mathematical competences in the future teaching staff constitutes a substantive axis of the science of education and Pedagogy in general. The present study had as objective, to know the state of the question of the formation of mathematical competences in the future professorship at Ibero-American level; the methodology used is qualitative, descriptive and exploratory; The sample considered for the development of the study were scientific articles on this subject that are available in journals indexed in Scopus, WoS and Google Scholar. As a result of the reading and analysis of the state of the question, it has been possible to identify cognitive, procedural and attitudinal elements, as well as essential didactic-pedagogical aspects that determine mathematical competences, at the same time this analysis will serve as a theoretical-methodological reference to conceive a perspective with a high objective and scientific level of the formation of mathematical competences of the future professors at the Ibero-American level.


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Alay Giler , A. D. (2019). Situation and perspective of the training of mathematical competences in preservice teachers at the Ibero-american level. Mathematics, Education and Society, 2(3), 1–8. Retrieved from


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