Study of attitudes towards mathematics in the degrees in early and primary education

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Cristina Pedrosa-Jesús
Carmen León-Mantero
María Astrid Cuida Gómez


The papers published in literature of the last decades reveal the importance of attitudes towards mathematics when we study the teaching-learning process of the subject. In this study, attitudes towards mathematics are analyzed, through the Auzmendi attitudes scale, in pre-service teachers, discussing the possible differences by gender and degree (Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education). A neutral-slightly positive attitude appears, being men and students of the Degree in Primary Education those who show a more positive attitude towards mathematics.



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Pedrosa-Jesús, C., León-Mantero, C., & Cuida Gómez, M. A. (2020). Study of attitudes towards mathematics in the degrees in early and primary education. Mathematics, Education and Society, 3(3), 18–28. Retrieved from


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