Two-Column Demonstrations in Math Olympiad Geometry Problems: The Case of Honduras

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Manuel Aguilera


In elementary plane geometry courses since the beginning of the 20th century, two-column demonstrations have been taught as a form of formal proof. Nevertheless, there is not much research on the use of this type of demonstrations in Mathematical Olympiad Problems. As a result, this study arises in which we analyzed Mathematics mistakes that students make when attempting to solve geometry problems in the Mathematical Olympiad before and after the implementation of two-column demonstrations in the problem-solving process. A total of 32 students from different departments of Honduras participated in the study. The place of study was the Virtual Math Competition (CVM) and the analysis is based on a method called Newman Error Analysis. In the pre-exam, the results show that students do not use two-column demonstrations for their answers, and the most common mistakes analyzed using the Newman Error are transformation, process skill, and encoding errors. On the other hand, in the final test, the use of two-column demonstrations by the students confirmed that this writing technique helps to order the information given in the problem.


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How to Cite
Aguilera, M. (2023). Two-Column Demonstrations in Math Olympiad Geometry Problems: The Case of Honduras. Mathematics, Education and Society, 6(2), 28–52. Retrieved from


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