Female Rulers, Motherhood and Happiness: A Reconsideration of Averroes’ Comparison of Women to Plants

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Tineke Melkebeek


This article analyses Averroes/Ibn Rushd´s (d. 1198) views on motherhood in his commentary on Plato´s Republic. The starting point for this inquiry is Averroes´ comparison of the women in his society to plants. Averroes argues that performing  the duties of motherhood, i.e. being children´s primary caregiver, does not constitute nor involve any form of human virtue. Averroes´ low esteem for activities of motherhood has hitherto been ignored. This paper argues that the comparison of women to plants does not hinge on societal criticism solely but on at least two additional factors: Aristotle on plants in De Anima and on this low appreciation for tasks of parenthood. Furthermore, this paper aims to show that the latter is incompatible with Aristotle´s views in his ethics and biology, which emphasize, respectively, the friendship that characterizes the parent-child relationship and the intelligence and virtue needed to raise the next generation.


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Melkebeek, T. (2024). Female Rulers, Motherhood and Happiness: A Reconsideration of Averroes’ Comparison of Women to Plants. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 30(2), 17–40. https://doi.org/10.21071/refime.v30i2.16022


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