The Grounding Character of the Principles in Figure A of Ramon Llull’s 'Ars Generalis Ultima'
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Llull describes reality as a reticulately stratified structure. To achieve this, he uses the metaphysical notion of grounding and ascribes two basic functions to it. Firstly, the grounding must ensure a distinction between the principles listed in figure A of the Ars generalis ultima, their correlatives and God. Although they are necessarily coextensive, none of them is hyperintensionally indiscernible from the others, because they do not share the same grounding. At the same time, grounding must also ensure that reality's constituents can be arranged hierarchically according to their varying degrees of similarity, and ordered foundationally according to the intensity with which the principles contract in them. In fact, the direct responsible for such a hierarchical ordering of reality is precisely the contraction capacity that principles have to assume a contracted condition in the things that manifest them, and which gives them their grounding character.
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Fontes primárias
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