Epistemology of the Image and the Mirror in Contemplation according to Richard of Saint Victor

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María José Zegers-Correa


Richard of Saint Victor’s writings on contemplation and the Trinity highlight the importance of the ideas of image and specular reflection in his thought. For the Victorine, the invisible beauty becomes recognizable in the beauty of the visible, primarily in man, created in the image and likeness of God. This explains the relevance he gives to self-knowledge on the path of contemplation: to the extent that man deepens his self-knowledge, he can discover, as in a mirror, the image of God. Following what Richard says in the Liber exceptionum, in the Beniamin minor, in the Beniamin maior, and in the De quatuor gradibus violentae caritatis, the role of image and mirror will be presented as interpretative keys to his teachings on contemplative ascent towards Trinity.


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Zegers-Correa, M. J. (2024). Epistemology of the Image and the Mirror in Contemplation according to Richard of Saint Victor. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 31(2), 55–69. https://doi.org/10.21071/refime.v31i2.17211


Fuentes primarias

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