La pervivencia del Corpus Teológico Ciceroniano en España
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The transmission of Cicero's theological works in Spain.The so-called 'theological' works of Cicero (De natura deorum, De divinatione, De Jato, and his partial translation of Platonic Timaeus) were highly valued from late antiquity on, and had a very tich influence on European medieval literature. However, the transmission of these philosophical dialogues seems to have been very scarce and mainly indirect in Spain until the fourteenth century, only a little more significant in fifteenth and sixteenth century, probably because of the difficulties in adapting the sceptical basis of the Ciceronian thought to the Christian orthodoxy, in spite of the humanistic attempts in this direction.
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ESCOBAR, Ángel. (1997). La pervivencia del Corpus Teológico Ciceroniano en España. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 4, 189–201.