The Reception of Pseudo-Dionysius’s Negative Theology in Alan of Lille
Contenido principal del artículo
The article investigates the reception of Pseudo-Dionysius’s negative theology in Alan of Lille’s philosophical and speculative theological works. In the first part, the paper discusses how Alan applied Pseudo-Dionysius’s negative theology to the problem of translatio and the limits of theological language. In the second part, the article sheds light on the problematic textual references and allusions in Alan’s appropriation and remarks about Pseudo-Dionysius. In the final section, the paper argues that despite Alan’s lack of access to the complete Corpus Aeropagiticum, his interpretation and adoption of negative theology is philosophically compelling.
Detalles del artículo
Glorieux, P., «La Somme ‘Quoniam Homines’ d’Alain de Lille», Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale Et Littéraire Du Moyen Âge 20 (1953), pp. 113–364.
Iohannis Scotti seu Eriugenae, Periphyseon, ed. É. Jeauneau, Turnhout, Brepols, 1996.
Corpus Dionysiacum II, eds. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter, Berlin, De Gruyter, 1991.
Pseudo-Dionysius, Caelestis ierarchia, ed. P. Chevallier, in Dionysiaca: recueil donnant l'ensemble des traductions latines des ouvrages attribués au Denys de l'aréopage, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1937
«Les 'Expositiones super Ierarchiam caelestem' de Jean Scot Érigène, texte inédit d'après Douai 202», ed. H. Dondaine, Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire Du Moyen Âge 18 (1950-1951), pp. 245–302