“Per modum quietis”: Mary’s Knowledge between "raptus” and “ecstasis” in 'Sermo VI de Assumptione Beatae Virgini Mariae' attributed to Bonaventura
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An analysis of the boundary between “raptus”, “ecstasis” and “excessus mentis” allows us to draw a line that unites theology and speculative mysticism, with interesting results. The mystical state described with regard to the co-redemptrix Virgin in sermo VI de assumptione beatae Virginis Mariae constitutes a good starting point. I will analyze the fundamental characteristics of the peculiar charism of the Virgin Mary “in via”, which overcomes the knowledge of the prophets and makes it deiform, perfectly coinciding in knowledge with the Son and by its own ontological and gnoseological “status” co-redemptive of humanity, a heavenly door between man and God.