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1. Promoting the specific domain of an area of concrete knowledge.
2. A way to stimulate student learning, which allows them to remember and visualize the most relevant information in each subject.
3. Impact on the cognitive development of the student.
4. Encouraging students to learn rather than to memorise.
5. Boosting student confidence by getting correct answers.
6. Conceived by students as a play or recreational activity.
7. Effective learning tool for the terminology, definitions, spelling and relation of key concepts.
8. Allowing teachers to measure competencies and skills achieved by students.
Therefore, the aim of this innovation project is the creation of a crossword book and Kahoot-like quiz game with different levels of learning structured across the different course topics which will impact in the student learning process from 3 different scopes:
- Motivate active learning in an entertaining way.
- Improve written language (spelling and vocabulary)
- Improve the results of knowledge assessment by allowing the student to becoming familiar with key concepts of each subject and by increasing their concentration.
Article Details
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