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María Amor Martín Fernández
Eloísa Reche Urbano
Begoña E. Sampedro Requena
Belén Quintero Ordoñez
Ana Muñoz Mallen


The experience presented has been carried out throughout the 2016-2017 academic year, with the students of the first, second and fourth year (Foreign Language mention) in the Degree of Primary Education from the Centers at the University of Córdoba where this bachelor’s degree is offered, in different subjects which cover the areas of “Language Didactics and Literature”, “Educative Technology”, “Didactics and School Organization” and “English Philology”. Its main object has been children’s poetry; on the one hand, the traditional and folk poetry, child poetic heritage of oral tradition that is at risk of being lost and, on the other hand, poetry by authors of Spanish literature, written specially for children, focusing attention mainly on two aspects: human values that this poetry contains, and its presentation in formats according to today’s media. For that purpose, it has been designed and edited multimedia educational material, addressed to Primary Education students, which contributes to the recovery and dissemination of infant lyric, in an original, appealing and entertaining way, and to its value in a bilingual society mediated by technology. The academic achievement reveals the efficiency of this type of proposals as well as the student’s contentment and involvement in it. The experience proves that this type of practice that shows the learning functionality and the relation between theory and practice promotes the students’ involvement in their learning process, raises awareness about the social commitment of the university institution to the dissemination of literature and, thus, of the Spanish culture, as an element of knowledge transfer in a multilingual and intercultural society like that where we live.


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