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M.I. Burón
S. Avendaño
I. Cantarero
M.D. Gahete
R. Guzmán-Ruiz
M.J. Vazquez
R. Luque
M.M. Malagón
J.M. Villalba
M.A. Calzado


The present work describes experiences of teaching innovation, of the same profile and methodology, developed by a group of participating junior teachers under the expert guidance of senior teaching staff. The type of experience selected has been the design and execution of a flipped classroom, or inverted class. In addition, the corresponding evaluation of the action is included with an academic assessment or impact on learning, and an assessment of the experience by the students and teaching staff responsible. The results of five experiences with impact to more than 270 students of different academic profiles (three degrees and two Masters) and the quantified evaluations indicate a very positive assessment of this flipped learning methodology by the students and their desire for applicability. On the other hand, the teachers note that the FL experiences have successfully increased the learning of their students and declare a high evaluation of the experience for the improvement of their teaching competences.


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