Improvement of teaching, learning and english usage: common errors (F)

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Gabriel Dorado Pérez
David Díaz González
Mercedes Marín Martos
Eva Lucía Jiménez Navarro
Francisco Javier Sánchez Sánchez-Cañete
Antonio Jesús García Ortega
Olga Blanco Carrión
Francisco Javier Ávila López
José Manuel Quesada Gómez
Pilar Hernández Molina
María del Pilar Dorado Pérez


The application iErrors-F has been developed, being available as a game to learn common errors in English usage (F) in Such project (2015-2-2009) complement other nine (07NA2037, 08A4087, 092016, 102008, 112007, 122022, 2013-12-2009, 2014-12-2013 and 2016-1-2009), which allowed to develop, respectively, the applications iFalseFriends, iPartialFalseFriends, iAnglicisms, iErrors-A, iErrors-B, iErrors-C, iErrors-D, iErrors-E and iErrors-G, available as games to learn “false friends” or cognates between English and Spanish, “inconsistent friends” or partial cognates between such languages, anglicisms, common errors in English (A), common errors in English (B), l common errors in English (C), common errors in English (D), common errors in English (E) and common errors in English (G) It is important to remark that these developments are based on ludic learning, by means of educational games (edutainment), which enhance their use by all in general, and the new generations in particular. That sets apart these developments from other alternatives, like lists of available written texts or dictionaries. In other words, the objective is to innovate from classic dictionaries to educational games. We consider that this is a key element to encourage and motivate the potential user. Such educational games are designed for an optimal visualization from Apple Safari web browser, with iPhone and iPod touch (they can be also used with iPad, as well as Mac o Windows). It is obvious that English is the universal langue and lingua franca of our days. Yet, the general English level at the University of Cordoba (including faculty, students and administrative staff) can be significantly improved. This situation can be extrapolated to Andalusia and the whole Spain. That is a critical fact, mainly when taking into account that there is a progressive trend towards lecturing in English language. Therefore, the current situation represents a disadvantage for us in the context of European Convergence [European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)/European Higher Education Area (EHEA)], business competitiveness and access to labor market of graduates, among others. This situation takes special relevance in a world that is becoming globalized. On the other hand, there is a lack of specific tools for teaching, learning, use and improvement of English language (with general academic application, education, research, assistance and management), taking into account the Spanish-speaking people in general, and university students in particular. The project carried out has used the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for development and deployment of multimedia and cross-platform tools to help improve such shortcomings. The application contains a database of common errors of English usage (F). Operation of the resource is so intuitive that it does not require special instructions: just navigate to iErrors-F and follow the simple directions of the edutainment game, showing on the screen. The methodology used is twofold. On one side, such application has been developed as a learning game for universal access via Internet. On other side, students have played with it in classrooms and outside locations (distance-learning), analyzing later on in classrooms the goals reached in English learning, by means of corresponding progress assessments. That has allowed to accomplish a significant improvement in English learning of students, in an area in which even English-speaking people make mistakes. Such tool allows an improvement of lecturing, learning and usage of such language, further improving that way the quality of different activities carried out at the university: academic in general, education, investigation, assistance and management. This is, therefore, a contribution to increase the university competitiveness, training for a better adaptation to the European Convergence System, updating teaching in new technologies and improving pedagogical level of teachers. Additionally, all that generates a more international and open profile of our university, increasing its quality, and thus the number of students and teachers applying for it.


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