Design of audio-visual resources for the work of contents on climate change in the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education

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José Carlos Arrebola Haro
Álvaro Caballero Amores
Luis Sánchez Granados
Ivana Pavlovic
Oscar Andrés Vargas Ceballos


The educational legislation establishes as one of the contents to be treated and to work in the curriculum of Primary Education "Climate Change: causes and consequences". Therefore, working on this subject in the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education is essential in the training of future teachers. This paper presents a project that has been carried out in the subject "Didactics of Experimental Sciences in Primary Education", in the third year of the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education, at Cordoba University. Basically it consisted in the elaboration of a short video of about 5 minutes of approximate duration, in groups (of 4-5 people). Previously, students had to document the subject sufficiently. Thus, at the beginning of the second quarter, they were given material to investigate and draw their own conclusions. Once, trained on the subject, they prepared the different videos, which were projected in class during the last practice session.


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