The practice of the cultural dimension as a vector of competitiveness and tourist attractiveness of the territory

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The competitiveness of a territory is based on the panoply of specific advantages, building a specific future for the different actors of the territory allowing them to coexist, cooperate and multiply efforts for a better future. (Ba., et al, 2010). The "Alegria" festival (Chefchauen, Morocco) was created in 2004, while focusing on the movement to safeguard and enhance the city's heritage. Taking into account the cultural richness, the festival in question is an event open to world culture, given that Chefchaouen is a city of diversity, good neighborly values and cultural interaction.

Keywords: Culture, Territory, Heritage, Diversity, Attractiveness, Cultural Tourism


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How to Cite
SELKANI, I. (2024). The practice of the cultural dimension as a vector of competitiveness and tourist attractiveness of the territory. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 8(1), 225–231.
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Author Biography

IKRAME SELKANI, Cesine University Center (University School of Business, Communication and Design), Santander, Spain

Professor-Researcher at the Cesine University Center (University School of Business, Communication and Design), Santander, Spain