Revisiting Phonics Instruction: Integrating SDGs through AI into English Literacy

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Javier Fernández Molina
María Felicidad Tabuenca Cuevas


Abstract: This paper explores the plausible enhancement of Phonics in the context of English literacy instruction for Spanish speakers. It emphasizes the need for an eclectic strategy to tackle the unique challenges faced by Spanish-speaking learners, particularly, as regards the pronunciation of the 44 sounds of English, the extremely complex grapheme-phoneme correspondences, blending, and segmenting. By proposing an AI-enhanced Phonics framework, this study aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting inclusivity and equitable learning experiences. The integration of AI tools is presented as a means for teachers to personalize Phonics exercises and resources to better suit the needs of their students, fostering collaboration and lifelong learning. The proposal includes the use of AI to create songs and choreographies, which will aid students to produce and memorize sounds and vocabulary, as well as customized decodable stories to reinforce sounds and semantic sets. Ultimately, this paper contributes to the ongoing debate on improving literacy outcomes for Spanish-speaking learners through innovative approaches.

Keywords: Phonics. Literacy. SDGs. AI. EFL. 


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Cómo citar
Fernández Molina, J., & Tabuenca Cuevas, M. F. (2025). Revisiting Phonics Instruction: Integrating SDGs through AI into English Literacy. Alfinge. Revista De Filología, 36, pp. 1–18.