Margaret Atwood’s “Plasticene Suite”: An ecocritical analysis for the addressing of Sustainable Development Goals

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María Martín Ortega


Abstract: This article analyses the sequence of poems “Plasticene Suite,” written by the Canadian author Margaret Atwood, using the critical approach of ecocriticism. The main objective is to show how, through literature in general and poetry in particular, the Sustainable Development Goals can be addressed, as they encourage the reader to stay informed about environmental issues and to critically reflect on their own ideas through a close reading and detailed analysis of literary texts.

 Keywords: Margaret Atwood. Ecocriticism. Environment. Sustainable Development Goals.


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Cómo citar
Martín Ortega, M. (2025). Margaret Atwood’s “Plasticene Suite”: An ecocritical analysis for the addressing of Sustainable Development Goals . Alfinge. Revista De Filología, 36, pp. 1–19.