For a Fistful of Spices. Frequency and Use of Spices in two Italian Fourteenth Century Cookbooks: Libro de la cocina (Anonimo Toscano) and Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Anonimo Veneziano)
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This article aims at studying the use and frequency of spices in two important Italian cookbooks: Libro de la cocina (Anonimo Toscano) and Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Anonimo Veneziano), both belonging to the XIVth century. We want to provide a contribution on the impact the spices have had on nutrition. The method used is the comparative analysis of food categories. Particularly, we tried to verify whether the spices were used with equal intensity or if there was no need for Venice to know them better than in the Tuscan environment. Indeed, the Libro de la cocina shows a coarser knowledge and a concentraded interest only on saffron, generic species and pepper. In the Venetian recipe book the range of products is wider and the use more precise. The conclusion is that the monopolistic role of Venice has allowed it to develop a more in-depth knowledge of spices.