Ancient Iberian iunstir: εὔχομαι / votvm / aogǝdā. A review and a proposal for a solution

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Jesús Rodríguez Ramos


This paper presents an overview on the state of the research on the Ancient Iberian word iunstir, its arguments and applicable criteria. This assessment leads to the conclusion that, although the interpretation as a verbal predicate with a meaning akin to “to give” / “to send” remains a realistic alternative, currently it seems preferable to interpret in the sense “to say” / “to pray”. This idea is supported by parallels of similar semantic extensions to both profane and religious uses in ancient languages and inscriptions. Among others, models of letters’ headings usual in Ancient Near East, and the religious formulae of the Liber Linteus and the Tabulae Iguvinae. Based on the formulae, I propose a possible explanation for the structure, function and content of the Ancient Iberian lead plaques found in the tomb of Orleyl.


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