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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been published or submitted to another journal (or a concerning explanation has been given in the Comments to the editor)
  • The document is in a .doc, .docx or.rtf format.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • If your paper is to be peer-reviewed, all the authorship data has been deleted.
  • If your paper is signed by more than one author, information about the followed criteria to decide the signature order and about the specified contribution of each one is specified in a footnote.

The Editorial Board, except in special circumstances, urges authors to use email as a channel of communication with the journal.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the publication of the papers if they do not meet the orthotypographical and, above all, grammatical and stylistic requirements.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to intervene in submitted papers, even before forwarding them to external reviewers, in order to ensure maximum linguistic-stylistic clarity and orthodoxy. Obviously, before publishing them, they will be sent again to be approved by their author/s.

The length limit of the papers is 25 pages for articles and 4 for book reviews, although longer works may be published if recommended by their interest.

The works must follow the Guideline for Authors of the journal.