Letters from the Island without Bridges. Ángela Figuera Aymerich's Correspondence to Jacques Comincioli

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Luciana Perez


This article presents and transcribes a selection of the (so far unpublished) correspondence of Angela Figuera Aymerich to Jacques Comincioli. The four letters, dated between 1972 and 1982, focus on the translation into French of the collection of poems Belleza cruel (1958) carried out by the Swiss translator and critic. Their value lies in the role of exegete and translator that the Bilbao born writer adopts in them. This brief presentation aims to highlight these aspects and link them to the critical work on Figuera Aymerich.


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How to Cite
Perez, L. “Letters from the Island Without Bridges. Ángela Figuera Aymerich’s Correspondence to Jacques Comincioli”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 11, Jan. 2024, pp. 461-19, doi:10.21071/calh.vi11.16056.


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