Editorial Process

Creneida will publish one issue a year. Articles will be received throughout the year.

Works will be submitted in digital format (.doc, .docx or .rtf) through the OJS3 platform: Register or log in if you are already registered.

The original works will be evaluated through a Double-Blind Peer Review system that will determinate its acceptance. If there is a discrepancy between the two reports, the paper will be sent to a third evaluator.

Creneida's Editorial Board agrees with the authors to email them the external evaluation reports within 3 months from their submission.

Originality request 

All papers sent to Creneida must be original and unpublished.

Editorial policy on joint authorship 

Authors who submit a joint article should inform of the criteria followed to decide the order of signature and the specific contribution of each author. This information will be indicated in a footnote that will be placed after the name of the last author. 

Recommendations and warnings 

The Editorial Board, except in special circumstances, urges authors to use email as the main communication channel with the journal.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the publication of the papers if they do not meet the orthotypographical and, above all, grammatical and stylistic requirements.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to intervene in the original works that are sent to the Board, before even forwarding them to external informants, in order to ensure maximum linguistic-stylistic clarity and orthodoxy. Obviously, before publishing them, they will be submitted again to the opinion of their author / s.

The books, journals, proceedings, etc., for reviewing will be sent to the postal address of this journal. All of them will be registered in the section of received books. The works sent to Creneida will not be returned.

The length limit will be 25 pages for articles and 4 for book reviews, although longer papers may be published if recommended by their interest.

Editorial Guidelines:

The articles will be preceded by an Abstract of their content both in Spanish and English —each one of 10 lines max.— and 5 key words in Spanish and English separated by commas.

Paper size: DIN A-4; margins: 2,5 cm up and down and 3 cm left and right.

Spacing: 1,5 for the text and single space for footnotes and quotations of more than three lines. There will be no space between paragraphs.

Indentation: The first line of each paragraph will be indented by 1,25. The first line of the text will not be indented, as well as the first one after a headline and the first one after a long quotation.

Font: 12 Times New Roman for the text / 10 Times New Roman for the footnotes / 11 Times New Roman for the long quotations (longer than three lines).

Main title: 12 Times New Roman, in small caps and centered.

Personal information: the name, institution, ORCID ID and financial resources must not appear in the word file submitted for evaluation. Nevertheless, it is mandatory to include them in the methadata when submitting it to the OJS platform.

The research projects the paper belongs to must be included in the "Supporting Agencies" section of the metadata.

Epigraphs: The epigraphs will always be numbered at the beginning of the paragraph and lined up to the left. Always in Arabic numbers and in small caps. Creneida does not use bold characters (except for exceptional and duly justified cases).

Quotations: Quotes that are longer than three lines must have a left and right indentation of 1,25 cm, with the exception of poems, which will be centered. They must be preceded and followed by a blank line and never in quotation marks.

The deletion of text within a quotation will be indicated by suspension points in square brackets "[...]".

For shorter quotations, there will be used the the high or English quotation marks "...". If a second level of quotation is included within the first one, the single quotation marks will always be used: '...'.

The footnote call number will be overhang, without parentheses, and will be placed before the punctuation mark.

Bibliographic references:

They must always appear in the footnotes following the following models:

a) Journal paper: Name Surname, “Title of the paper”, Name of the journal, volume in Roman numbers, number in Arabic digits (year between parentheses), abbreviated pp. pages, parentheses with the specific page:

Arturo Berenguer Carisomo, “Notas estilísticas sobre el Fausto criollo”, Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo, XXV, 2 (1949), pp. 142-187.

The editor or translator of a text must appear after the title and their names must be cited in full:

Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina, ed. Dorothy S. Severin, Madrid, Cátedra, 2013.

Giovanni Boccaccio, Decamerón, trad. María Hernández Esteban, Madrid, Cátedra, 2007.


b) Articles in newspapers, journals, weeklies and other periodicals publications:Name Surname, “Title of the article in quotation marks”, Title of the periodical publication, number [if any] (date between parentheses), complete pages (cited page).

Josep Maria Baget Herms, “Rinconete y Cortadillo”, Imagen y Sonido, CIV (02/1972), pp. 57-65 (p. 59).

If the article belongs to a webpage, the URL will also be indicated:

Blanca Cía, “Los estudios Orphea, pioneros del cine sonoro en España”, El País [en línea], 28/11/2018. <https://elpais.com/ccaa/2018/11/27/catalunya/1543345277_808213. html> (consultado el 22/05/2020).

If in a quoted text the author does not appear, the reference will be headed with the title:

“Proyecciones”, El Imparcial (03/10/1925), p. 6.


c) Contribution in collective works: Name, Surname, “Article title”, in Title of the work in italics, ed./eds. Name Surname, City, Publisher, Year, pages, abbreviated pp. (cited page):

José María Micó, “El canto de Polifemo: Ensayo de un comentario integral”, en Góngora Hoy (I-II-III), ed. Joaquín Roses Lozano, Córdoba, Diputación Provincial, 2002, pp. 127-145 (p. 136).

Forewords, introductions and preliminary studies will be cited as book chapters.


d) Books: Name Surname, Title in italics, City, Publisher, Year, Page:

Belén Molina Huete, Tras la estela del mito. Texto y recepción de la Fábula de Genil de Pedro Espinosa, Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2005, p. 15.

Doctoral dissertations have the status of a book. It will be indicated at the end in square brackets: “[doctoral dissertation]”.

Patricia Fernández Melgarejo, Historias de amor y celos en la novela corta del siglo XVII, Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, 2016 [doctoral dissertation], p. 156.

If the quoted work is still in press, the information will be included in square brackets "[in press]" at the end of the reference.


e) Webpages: will be quoted through the URL, including the date of the last visit below in parentheses:

www.rae.es (visited the 06/09/2020)

If the same work or article is repeated and the page changes, it will always be cited as follows: José María Micó, op. cit., p. 135.

If the same work is repeated in the following footnote, even if the cited page differs, it will be indicated through "Ibidem" [in italics and without accent], followed by the page: Ibidem, p. 128.

If there are multiple references to different works of the same author, the shorter version of the title must cited: José María Micó, “El canto de Polifemo”, p. 143.

Other issues:

Only long dashes will be used with the function of incision: “Lope de Vega —sin duda cansado— decidió dar por terminado su libro en 1624”.

Roman numerals will always be in small caps: LIII, LXIII, XC, CI,...

Bibliography:The works will be published without final bibliography. The documentary information is collected on the footnotes of the page. Nonetheless, authors are requested to introduce the final bibliography (ordered alphabetically by surnames, following the editorial guidelines (vid supra) in the methadata.

Book reviews: Book reviews will be headed by the complete reference of the reviewed book, which will appear centered according to this model: Title (in italics); the name of the reviewed author (on the following line and in small caps); city, publisher, year and number of pages (abbreviated "pp."; all on the next line).

Miguel Hernández y Leopoldo de Luis: dos poetas comprometidos
Aitor L. Larrabide (Ed.)
Orihuela, Fundación Cultural Miguel Hernández, 2020, 133 pp.

The name of the author/s of the review will appear at the end, lined up to the right and in small caps. The academic centre of affiliation will be listed below without small caps.

Book reviews will not include footnotes or bibliography.