1. Acknowledgement of receipt and submission to evaluators

Once the receipt of the original has been acknowledged, its unpublished nature and its compliance with Creneida. Anuario de literaturas hispánicas’s standards will be reviewed. The paper will then be sent to two expert referees.


2. Review method

The reviewers will be members of the International Scientific Committee or completely external to the journal: always independent and selected by the Editorial Board, they will issue a report on whether or not to publish the work (which will be anonymized) and, if necessary, will suggest the appropriate corrections. The review method is “double-blind” (anonymity of the author and reviewers), with the editor of the journal being responsible for establishing contact between the two. If necessary, a third reviewer will be used.


3. Results of the review

The outcome of the evaluation process may be:

  1. Acceptance of the article
  2. Publishable with modifications
  3. In-depth review of the work
  4. Rejection

The editor’s decision, together with the final evaluation reports and, if submitted, the anonymous word or PDFS files (with in-depth reviews), will be sent to the author via the platform.

Reviews are subject to an internal review system by the Editorial Board, which will accept and decline publication according to the following criteria:

  1. If it does not meet the minimum quality standards required for a scientific publication.
  2. If it detects lack of objectivity or academic malpractice in the review of the contents and/or methodology of the book.
  3. If they are signed by researchers from the same center or entity as the authors of the book.
  4. If they are signed by researchers who are authors of a chapter of the collection.
  5. If they have been signed by researchers from the same research group as the authors.


4. Follow-up of the process

The author can follow the evaluation process of his/her article at the journal's web address.


5. Proofreading of galley proofs

Prior to the proofreading phase, the editor of Creneida. Anuario de literaturas hispánicas will send each contributor a Word or PDF file with all kinds of handwritten or electronic corrections (orthotypographical, grammatical and, if necessary, even stylistic).

During the correction of the proofs -which will be sent to the author without the original- no significant variations or additions to the text that do not obey the suggestions of the evaluators will be admitted. Authors must correct the proofs within a maximum period of fifteen days. Only first proofs will be sent.

Authors should then indicate whether the work comes from research that has received funding (to be added as a footnote [*] to the title of the article).

Corrections will be accepted only on PDF, and will be added with the Adobe tool: Highlight text > (Double click) > Add comment. Otherwise, a scan of the article with handwritten corrections will be accepted - to be sent to the e-mail address of the journal editor (lh1bocer@uco.es / angharad41@yahoo.es).

Authors will receive an electronic offprint free of charge.

Data uploaded to the OJS platform cannot be modified after publication.


6. Estimated publication deadlines

- Initial review: 2 months

- First decision for reviewed articles: 3 months

- From article submission to acceptance: 4 months

- From acceptance to publication: 6 months - 1 year