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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper hasn’t been previously journal or been under consideration hay any paper (or has give an explanation in the comments to the editor section
  • The submmision file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Whenever posible, urls are provided for references bibliography
  • The text use italics tan underlinning  (except url addresses) and all ilustratiuon, figures, tables are placed in the apropiated places in the text, rather then the end.
  • The text brings all stylistical and bibligraphics conditions inlcude in the author guidelines, in abur the journal
  • In the case of send the text to the peer review section, the instructions in ensuring remain anonymus evaluation


The manuscripts will be original for their publication; will not be accepted manuscripts that they have been published before. Will not be accepted manuscripts in process of publication.


All articles will be evaluated by the double-blind system, both of which are from the institution (for other articles of the same) and external (for articles by authors both from the institution itself and others). Each proposal will be sent anonymously to two evaluators who will dictate the relevance or not of publication of the article in the journal. If there is a divergence of opinions this will be sent to a third evaluator.


The anonymity of the participants will be guaranteed during the research process. Respecting the privacy.

I there is non-compliance during review and evaluation process automatically reject the publication of the manuscript.

The authors will respect and they will recognize the sources of databases, figures and information with explicit and tangible way.

If they were detected after publication, will be a withdrawal.


The Journal used a Plagirism Cheker to detec the plagiarism and self-plagiarims


All of those who have been involved in the process of elaboration will be disclosed as authors. In the same way the signatories that have participated in elaboration and investigation process.


Changes in the authorship of a manuscript for inclusion, deletion or alteration in the initial order. They should be sent to the Editor Edmetic, giving adequate reasons and signatures of all the authors affected.

Although the manuscript has been a positive assessment by Editorial Board will not be released if does not meet the requirements.


1.- Editor and the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board of Edmetic shall preserve the confidentiality of identity about the manuscripts and also take into account the quality.

Whenever necessary the corrections, retractions and apologies will be published. The evaluation and selection processes will be visible and transparent

The Editor will give a complicated instructions and advice to reviewers of the publication to develop their activities in an objective, reliable, honest and professional manner. Also, the Editor will monitor the poor practices and mistakes or inaccurate or misleading information.

2.- Evaluators

The evaluators will apply criteria of impartiality, objectivity, urgency, confidentiality, respect and acknowledgment of sources not cited.

They will have to work jointly with the editorial line and they must expose the possible conflicts of interest.

8.3- Double-blind guarantee

The authors avoid self-citations in the text that lead to recognition during the evaluation process. Likewise, when it is sent the authors must remove any type of authorship of the document. For this option in Word file, file properties, short, remove any reference type. All this date will be integrate in the article when this will be aprobed to published.


The articles will be sent via email to revistaedmetic@uco.es, writing in the subject: remission of proposed article. The article will be developed according to the template provided for this purpose (template). Thhe article don't have information about the auhtors, for this reason in the 4 step (Upload supplementary files) the authors musb send all the information in a document, this must have next information, the name of the file will be "Authors dates":

Author 1: Surname:_______; Name: ___________; Work Institution:_____________; Country: ________________; email:________________; Orcid CODE: ________________

Author 2: idem

Author 3: idem


The author must send the authorization (assignment of rights) for possible publication (Cessionofrights).(upload in 4step "Upload supplementary files).

Edmetic will make the evaluation of documents but should not exceed 20 pages in total, including the first page which shall contain the authors´ identification, tables, graphics and images, as well as the literature.

The structure of the articles is:

Title (Spanish and English or the language that the article is write), Summary (Spanish or the language that the article is write and English) Keywords (Spanish or the language that the article is write and English). If is a investigation model, the parts are: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References. If it’s a experience there aren’t recommendations or rules

Formatting rules of the text:

  • Files will be sent by email with format compatible with Microsoft Word.
  • At least 15 pages and maximum 20 pages.
  • On the first page will be the title of article (centred in bold and capital letters), the name and surnames of authors, email address and institution.
  • The summary have 200 words maximum.
  • Must include four key words from the European Thesaurus of Education (TEE).
  • The size of the page will be 21,00 x 29,60 cm.
  • Margins of document: established automatically by conventional processors (Office), top and bottom 2,5 cm. Left and right 3 cm.
  • Interline spacing should be 1.5 cm, without extra spaces between paragraphs.
  • The paragraphs haven’t got a indentation on the first line.
  • The text justification will be complete.
  • Century Gothic 11 points.
  • Minimum resolution images 300 ppp.
  • The tables will be consecutively numbered pages on the margin left, incorporating the reference source that it have taken. If this were own work author or supported by a second author, this will be "Source: Authors" or "Source: Prepared by the authors on the basis of Romero(2012) o Romero (2012, p.14)". The size of the text within the tables will be 10 points and the single interlinear space.
  • The images and figures will be consecutively numbered pages on the bottom, with the origin and how was found (own work, Internet). In second case will be indicate the URL of origin, which is active at the time of submission of the proposal and consultation date thereof: [Accessed 11th of October 2011].
  • Both the tables and the figures and images will be incorporated into the article in separate files (step 4, additional files-)


Magazine´s articles: Surnames with capital letters, Initial. (year). Title of article. Magazine in italics, volume (number), pages. DOI if this is included in the document.

GABELAS, J. A (2005). Televisión y adolescentes, una mítica y controvertida relación. Comunicar, 25, 137-146.

AWONTERS, V., & JANS, S. (2008). E-learning competences of teacher in Secondary and Hgher Education. International Journal of Merging Technologies in Learning, 4(2), 58-60. Doi: 10.3991/ijetw4i2.2739.

Articles online magazines: Surnames with capital letters, Initial. (year). Title of article. Journal in italics, volume (number), pages. Retrieved from: web address. [Accessed (Date of recovery)]. DOI if this is included in the document

GARCÍA-VALCARCEL MUÑOZ-REPISO, A. (2009). Usos didácticos de los lenguajes icónicos. Rtrieved from: http://web.usal.es/~anagv/arti2.htm. [Consultado el 2 de Noviembre de 2010].

Books: Surnames with capital letters, Initial. (year). Book title in italics. City of publication: Publisher

AMBRÓS, A., & BREU, R. (2011). 10 ideas claves. Educación en medios de comunicación. La educación mediática. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Book chapters: Last name with capital letters, Initial. (year). Chapter title pages. In Initial author or compiler of the work. Name (compiler, editor, director or coordinator). Book title in italics. City of publication: Publisher.

MARÍN, V. (2005). Comunicación mediada por tecnologías. (pp.41-56). En M. Cebrián (coord.). Tecnologías de la información y comunicación para la formación de docentes. Madrid: Pirámide.

Electronic documents will be with the same guidelines in the magazine´s articles.

LE QOUC, K. (2008). The impact of the internet on Spanish consumers' media behavior. Recuperado de: http://www.forrester.com/rb/Research/impact_of_internet_on_spanish_consumers_media/q/id/44504/t/2. [Consultado el 13 de Diciembre de 2010].

Research report:

AGUADED, J. I. (2007). OBSERVATICS: La integración del software libre en centros TIC andaluces. Análisis de la repercusión en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Memoria de Investigación. Proyecto I+D+i SEC2004-01421.