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Francisco Martínez-Ortega


This paper analyzes memes’ proliferation in the digital culture of college students from the Ecuadorian National University of Education (UNAE from its Spanish initials, a public university). Using the theoretical framework of the New Literacy Studies and the New Literacies, I performed an ethnographic approach to memes as discursive practices that involve written language and other media to produce meaning. I identified the most successful Facebook page related to memes from the UNAE and gathered all the memes published on October of 2019 (64 in total). I inductively categorized those memes and found three general aspects for its description and interpretation: the issues addressed, the knowledge in play and the implicit functions beyond humor. I made a detailed description and interpretation of the 10 most successful memes (success in terms of the interaction they produced in the community) and provided an overview of the issues addressed (experiences in college, promoting a model of student, and the national strike) and their implicit functions (informative, emotional relief, community bonding, political debate, and recruiting protesters). In conclusion I argue that memes fulfill relevant social functions and could be considered as a support for the participation of college students in other literacy practices, and —therefore— social issues.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Ortega, F. (2020). Español. EDMETIC, 9(2), 1–27.
Author Biography

Francisco Martínez-Ortega, Español

Licenciado en Psicología y Maestro en Investigación Educativa por la Universidad Veracruzana (México) y Ph. D. en Ciencias del Lenguaje por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (España). Actualmente es profesor e investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador en el constructo de comunicación y lenguaje.