Fiction, young people and transmedia storytelling in virtual environments
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The goal of this study is, on the one hand, to delve into these new fiction reception environments shared by young people, as well as the transmedia storytelling dynamics that occur and, on the other hand, to detect how this affects or implies the educational system, focused in Literature’s área.
For this, a qualitative research methodology is proposed, choosing each case modality study, in a selection of students from the first year of Teaching at the University of Zaragoza. A questionnaire with open questions is proposed as a data collection instrument and discussion group and semi-structured interview are used as a techniques. Atlas.ti is used as data processing software. Among the main conclusions, stands out the growing trend towards the fusion of reception spaces for audiovisual and literary fiction where digital environments acquire great importance through youtubers, booktubers, influencers and other media phenomena and, at the same time, the need is confirmed that from the educational system, didactic methodologies are used where these modes of appropriation of fictional content can be used as elements of motivation and acquisition of knowledge within the teaching-learning process.
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E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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