The ICT use and digital skills of workers in private companies in Northern Lima, 2022
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The use of ICT is essential in the workplace because it can determine access or promotion to a position. Likewise, to use ICTs, operators will require digital skills. This situation is a problem in private companies in northern Lima, Peru, because some workers do not make proper use of ICT because they lack information, communication, problem-solving and computer skills (digital skills).The objective of the study was to establish the link between the use of ICTs and the digital competencies of workers in private companies in northern Lima, 2022. The method used was a quantitative approach of basic descriptive type and correlational level, with a non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 84 professionals, technicians and business support staff. The survey technique was used with the questionnaire instrument. It was found as a result that there was a high positive relationship between the use of ICT and digital skills of workers in private companies in North Lima, 2022, with a Spearman's Rho = 0.852 and a p-value = 0.000, p < 0.05.
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E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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