Flipped classroom and its impact on academic performance: a systematized review of the 2015-2020 period
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The new educational perspectives that rely on the ICT and the Internet, has allowed the improvement and admission of different ways and models to learn. One of them is the flipped classroom, in which the educational processes are flipped. This research aims to systematize the bibliographic production during 2015-2020 period, regarding the flipped classroom application and its impact on the academic performance. The methodological design complies with the guidelines of the SALSA Framework. When applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample consisted of 32 articles. The results reveal that 2017 was the year where more studies were conducted. Spain being the country with the highest incidence. The experiences were carried out to a greater extent at the university level and with quasi-experimental or experimental empirical designs. The review has concluded that most of the investigations show a positive effect or gain over the experimental group's academic performance.
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E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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