Speech impairment students and educational technology

Contenido principal del artículo

Ana Made


The present research is aimed to review the scientific literature generated between 2010 and 2022, on the implementation of digital educative resources for students with speech disabilities or language disorders. In other words, studies related to the subject are investigated. On the other hand, to supply current information, the search was set up within a twelve-year period. To achieve this objective, a search was conducted in the databases Dialnet, DOAJ, Eric, Scielo, Scopus, Elsevier, Jstor, Oxford Research Encyclopedia and the academic source of Google Scholar, through descriptors that included the variables associated with the object of study. In the first exploration, fifty-three articles were obtained, which when filtered resulted in fifteen articles that met the pursuit criteria. The results showed two clear trends: articles referring to the use of educational technology resources, and those which do not use it. Furthermore, result confirmed the use of technology in two areas: therapeutic and academic. In addition, this research presents issues with the terminology being used for speech impairment and the scarce scientific production in this area, which are associated with the effectiveness in attention and inclusion of students with this disability


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Cómo citar
Made, A. (2024). Speech impairment students and educational technology. EDMETIC, 13(2), art.2. https://doi.org/10.21071/edmetic.v13i2.16939
Investigaciones y Experiencias