Mathematical modeling, linear programming and videos in the training of engineers

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José E. Rangel-Arzola
José Ortiz-Buitrago


This study was made under the research paradigm based on design, approaching from the development and implementation stages, a teaching experiment with mathematical modeling activities, using Linear Programming. The participants were students of the sixth semester of the Industrial Process Engineering career at the Central University of Venezuela. The teaching experiment was carried out using the distance modality and taking advantage of the benefits of mobile learning, among others, during a period of six weeks, with the support of videos with theoretical-practical content in order to promote cooperative and meaningful learning. The results of the study showed that in non-attendance conditions, students developed mathematical modeling skills in solving contextual problems with a critical sense in the handling and management of limited resources and use of technology.


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How to Cite
Rangel-Arzola, J. E., & Ortiz-Buitrago, J. (2022). Mathematical modeling, linear programming and videos in the training of engineers. Mathematics, Education and Society, 5(3), 40–59. Retrieved from
Author Biography

José E. Rangel-Arzola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Campus Cagua

Ing. en Informática por la Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos “Rómulo Gallegos”, San Juan de los Morros. Venezuela.

MSc. en Educación Matemática por la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Maracay. Venezuela.


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