Math Problem solving errors regarding Change and Combine situations in K-7 Primary Students

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Aránzazu Del Rosal Pedrajas
Mª Pilar Gutiérrez Arenas
Alexander Maz-Machado


We hereby present a piece of enquiry focused on the identification of the difficulties that pupils face regarding problems solving in situations that require change and combine, and, more precisely, on the detection of the errors made in such process. Samely, we aim to determine whether there is any relation between gender and type of error. This study is exploratory in nature and applies a set of already validated problems. Findings show that pupils make more error in Change problems tan in Combine problems. The most frequent error is that they turn to mathematical operations of either addition or subtraction, choosing the corresponding opposite operation.


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Del Rosal Pedrajas, A., Gutiérrez Arenas, M. P., & Maz-Machado, A. (2018). Math Problem solving errors regarding Change and Combine situations in K-7 Primary Students. Mathematics, Education and Society, 1(1), 22–31. Retrieved from


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