What knowledge do early childhood teachers need to teach mathematics?

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Ángel Alsina
Rosa Delgado-Rebolledo


The aim of this article, which is part of the research agenda in mathematics education on teachers' knowledge and knowledge for teaching mathematics, is to specify the main knowledge for teaching mathematics in Early Childhood Education. To this end, the article is structured in three parts: in the first part, mathematics teaching in early childhood education is reviewed from three dimensions: purposes, practices and organisation of teaching; in the second part, a review of previous literature on early childhood teachers' knowledge to teach mathematics is carried out; finally, in the third part, considering the previous points, two types of knowledge that early childhood teachers should mobilise to carry out an effective teaching of mathematics at this educational stage are described and exemplified: Mathematical Knowledge in Early Childhood Education and Didactic Knowledge of Mathematics in Early Childhood Education, together with their respective subtypes. It is concluded that the concreteness of this knowledge can contribute to the professional development of early childhood teachers and, additionally, can be used as an analytical tool for research in early childhood mathematics education.


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Alsina, Ángel, & Delgado-Rebolledo, R. (2022). What knowledge do early childhood teachers need to teach mathematics?. Mathematics, Education and Society, 5(1), 18–37. Retrieved from https://journals.uco.es/mes/article/view/14153


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