Caracterización de funciones lineales inversas. Un estudio de casos basado en una experiencia de aprendizaje

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Danellys Vega-Castro


This is an exploratory study with a methodological approach, focused on the characterization of inverse linear functions as biunivocal and invertible functions. The proposed objective consisted of identifying some type of structural difficulty in first-year undergraduate students when working with properties of an inverse linear function with an algebraic structure different from those proposed in textbooks assigned in the course. The results of this experience led to the generalization of algebraic and geometric patterns, which allowed establishing underlying characteristics of inverse linear functions. It also led to the design of a methodological theory based on the didactic management of mathematical contents.


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How to Cite
Vega-Castro, D. (2022). Caracterización de funciones lineales inversas. Un estudio de casos basado en una experiencia de aprendizaje. Mathematics, Education and Society, 5(1), 38–57. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Danellys Vega-Castro, Universidad de Panamá

Danellys Clementina Vega Castro

Profesora - Departamento de Matemáticas- Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Tecnología, Universidad de Panamá.

ExBecaria y colaboradora de la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación de Panamá.

Título de Máster en Ingeniería Matemática-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - España (2007-2009).

Título de Doctor en Didáctica de la Matemática-Universidad de Granada-España (2009-2013).


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