Late Ancient and Medieval Women: Historical Examples of Epistemic and Hermeneutical Injustic. Contemporaneity of the Names, Antiquity of the Concepts
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This article carries out a reflective analysis, taking as a basis the conceptualizations of Miranda Fricker, and emphasising the place and condition granted in intellectual history to various women in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It revaluates several female thinkers who have generated various types of philosophical production of which documentation survives for study, and thus restores them from the oblivion. They have been subjected to in the implementation of interrelated systems of oppression in traditions. In this sense, the article presents a review of the usual parameters of philosophical education that has contributed to its forgetfulness and/or denial. The purpose of this review is to promote the development of a broader and more comprehensive understanding of the multiple forms of life and thought in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
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