Design and creation of informative pills from professional seminars and conferences in Business Administration Degree and Master in Foreign Trade

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Sandra Mª Sánchez Cañizares
Francisco Saco de Larriva
Guzmán Muñoz Fernández
Pablo Rodríguez Gutiérrez
Francisco González Santa Cruz
Luna Santos Roldán
Julia Núñez Tabales
Fernando J. Fuentes García


This project proposes the use of new technologies and, in particular, the concept of "information pill" to encourage student motivation in their learning and give better use of some of the activities proposed in the classroom in order to increase their durability and that the effort they suppose do not fall on deaf ears. The specific content of the pills has been intended to be a compendium of mini-interviews to professionals who visit the classrooms in different subjects and who come from business world (entrepreneurs, directors of foreign trade departments, managers of multinationals, technicians of the Chamber of Commerce, etc.).


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