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Soledad Díaz Alarcón
Carmen Arnedo Villaescusa
Azahara Veroz González
Ángeles García Calderón
Beatriz Martínez Ojeda
Rafael Porlán Moreno
Mª del Mar Ogea Pozo
Lourdes Bonhome
Fuensanta Guerrero Carmona


The teaching experience of the members of this project emphasises the importance of directing teaching principles at encouraging students’ motivation and commitment within the learning process, as well as specifying and classifying methodologies and materials in order to adapt them to the necessities and capabilities of the translation students. This fact gives rise to the initiative to provide students a fully-designed, progressive and practical methodology, which is based on the models for discourse analysis and translation analysis. In this regard, the present project targets the elaboration of teaching materials for the practice of specialised translation. In particular, we have designed a virtual manual whose contents are presented through explanatory videos. These audiovisual contents, together with texts, bibliographical resources, analysis models and commented translations, have been hosted in the EXA ENOA2 virtual platform – with open-access to all students at the University of Córdoba – in html5 format, so it can be accessed from any mobile device. The manual includes four itineraries (legal-economical, scientific-technical, humanistic-literary, and audiovisual). It offers a specific discourse analysis model for each field, helping the student to detect and prioritize the characteristics of each textual genre and their linguistic features. These analysis models are applied to a bilingual corpora (FR/EN) of texts selected and explained by the teachers. Moreover, a Spanish translation and the corresponding translation analysis are provided. The manual also procures an annex including a selection of documentary resources in electronic format – such as dictionaries, termbases, specialized translation guides, etc. – that students can check immediately or download for future consults. This open-access virtual material aims to be a self-learning tool for specialised translation and to be constituted as a teaching complement for further acquisition of translation skills in specialised fields, as well as a practical and functional methodology that enables students to optimise every phase of the translation process.


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