On-line surveys application to develop open choice and correlated food internships

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Rafael Moreno Rojas
Fernando Cámara Martos
Manuel A. Amaro López
Rafael Gómez Díaz
Luis M. Medina Canalejo
Montserrat Vioque Amor
Guillermo Molina Recio


On line-surveys were developed in several subjects which employ this kind of tools in order to achieve some of its competences. The implementations of surveys were made in different degrees according with the previous level of knowledge of the students. In this way, students of the subject “Nutrición Aplicada” which belong from the Degree of “Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos”, achieved the highest level of implication, developing all the items of the surveys (with supervision of their professors). The educational results were very satisfactory, covering all the transversal and specific competences of multiple subjects. The satisfaction level of the students was also very high. Furthermore, relevant information about dietetic habits of different population groups was obtained.


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