Europe and roman law. Towards convergence and bilingualism. Project of educational innovation, 2015/2016 (Reference: 2015-2-4003)

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Salvador Ruiz Pino
Vanessa Ponte Arrebola
Mª Carmen Jiménez Salcedo


The educational innovation project we executed in 2015/2016 is a continuation of projects 124104 "Teaching innovation in the classical legal sciences: the teaching of Roman law in the s. XXI"; 2013-12-4009 "Teaching innovation in the teaching of Roman law. Europeanist perspectives of the classical legal sciences"; and 2014-12-4009 "QVO VADIS, EVROPA? Teaching innovation in the teaching of Roman law from the European convergence and the new technologies", of the I, II and III Own Plan of Innovation and Educational Improvement, respectively, that have been executed during the courses 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 with important results.


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