La música en el Noticiario Documental (1942-1981): análisis del plano sonoro del noticiario franquista

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Irene Matas de Íscar
Aarón Pérez-Borrajo


Historically, musical discourse has functioned as one of the axes on which propaganda is generated. In this research we focus on the analysis of the music of the Documentary Newsreel as a document used by Francoism to contribute to the indoctrination of Spanish society. This sound dimension is usually relegated to the background in comparison with the rest of the elements that make up this audiovisual medium. For this reason, in this article we propose an approach to the tune, the pre-existing music and the original music used in this platform. The impact of this musical material on Spanish society was such that it still forms part of its collective imaginary. In short, through these three dimensions, we will examine the role played by music in NO-DO, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms used by the Regime to influence viewers through the audiovisual sphere.


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Matas de Íscar, I., & Pérez-Borrajo, A. (2022). La música en el Noticiario Documental (1942-1981): análisis del plano sonoro del noticiario franquista . SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 2, 5–25.


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