“Euphoric” Characters: The Crip and the Queer through Audiovisual Intertextuality in Euphoria

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Damian Esteban Bretones


Genders, sexualities and non-normative bodies are represented in TV series. In this regard, crip and queer theories expose in a critical way the compulsory able-bodiedness in the face of disability, and the compulsory  heteronormative in the face of multitudes of genders and sexualities.

This paper intends to use crip/queer perspective to analyze three of the main characters in the first season of the series Euphoria (HBO, 2019), through audiovisual intertextual references. And reflect on whether patriarchal heteronormativity without disability continues to be privileged or, on the contrary, there is a modification of the discourse to question the dominant perspective. This discursive transformation occurs with the identification with queer/crip characters, and through an intertextual performative game that reinterprets these references. Both aspects produce a displacement, in some cases, and a dissolution, in others, of the active/passive -or subject/object-device to express the desire and the relationships between characters. 


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Esteban Bretones, D. (2022). “Euphoric” Characters: The Crip and the Queer through Audiovisual Intertextuality in Euphoria. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 2, 26–53. https://doi.org/10.21071/seriarte.v2i.14551


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